Using a somewhat-recent personal computer running Windows (a choice of necessity, not preference, I assure you), I successfully installed and configured diverse and arcane files.
Then, using the better parts of my talents (the creative ones, as opposed to technical), I designed and placed 4 sims on my grid.
Photographic proof is as follows:
Fig. 1: in which I tolerate the Windows interface.
Fig. 2: in which I claim these sims in the name of Caledon, ex patria.
The fact that I can log in to my grid from my laptop and play with 4 sims, each with 45000 available prims, is awesome, as in full-of-awe. (Compare the Russian word грозныи, grozny.)
The area is desolate, though, and bereft of state channel chatter, or any friends visiting -- a definite shortcoming.
A full discussion of materials and methods for this experiment will be available upon request.